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The Story of a Smile at Wrigley Field

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Nine days after moving to Chicago, I attended my first Cubs game at Wrigley Field.

It was a matinee against the Dodgers, and my girlfriend (who would later become my wife) and I sat in the lower mezzanine seats on a sunny day. We lived just a mile away from Wrigley Field, and I remember thinking during the game that I was living the life.

A few weeks later, I got off the No. 80 bus after work, and walked south to the ticket window to find standing room tickets were the only ones available. I leaned against the rails and watched the Cubs defeat the Expos. Not an ideal way to see a game, but there was good energy. Check "standing room only" off the list.

Over the years that have followed, I have seen games ...

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