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The Top 10 Best Overall Offensive Seasons in MLB History

Published by on May 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

There has been a boat load full of players over the years in Major League Baseball. Some have played in excess of 25 years. Some have put up exceptional numbers, some more than once. When I say “best overall offensive seasons” I don’t mean that someone batted .435 and hit 5 HR and drove in 50. I also don’t mean that someone may have hit 58 HR and only batted .265. And I further do not mean someone with 170 RBI who batted .297. The categories used to sift the wheat from the chaff were: AVG/HR/RBI/OBP/SLG/OPS+/TB/HITS/RUNS. Points were awarded from top to bottom, lowest receiving one point and the next two, and so on. At the end points were totaled and the person with the highest score won. Keep in mind; in...

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