Featured, MLB NEWS

Washington Redskins Win Legal Battle to Be Racist

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

In a story likely to be missed by the local media, the Washington Redskins won a 17-year legal battle against a group of Native Americans petitioning the team to drop its racist trademark.

Redskins attorney Bob Raskopf said millions have been spent on the Redskins brand and the team would have suffered great economic loss if they lost the trademark registrations. “It’s a great day for the Redskins and their fans and their owner Dan Snyder,” he said.

Wonderful. Millions of merchandising dollars will be saved, and only for the small price of mass-marketed racial insensitivity towards an entire group of American citizens.  While they’re at it, why doesn’t the team endow a George Wallac...

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