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Webster’s New World Ecktionary: Your Guide to Watching the Red Sox

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The realization that Jerry Remy would be missing a chunk of the season as the Red Sox color commentator on NESN due to complications from cancer surgery was greeted by Boston fans with the type of horror you’d expect when the announcement is finally made that Fenway is being torn down.

But, alas, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and it came in the form of former reliever and studio analyst Dennis Eckersley.

He has filled in capably as a sarcastic, seat-of-his-pants color commentator who brings a certain analytical irreverence to the game. His old-school style and phrasing add more than a little color to the broadcast.

Of course, we should have expected entertainment from the man widely cr...

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