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What’s Making Me Talk: You’re Out! Umpires Making Waves

Published by on May 31, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

I often dream of what it would be like to play baseball. I never got the chance to even play like a sliver of organized ball. It was soccer for me from the age of five to 18, a little bit of basketball till high school, and now nothing. I’m just a college student who talks about sports.

I'm quite fine with that. I knew I was never athletic enough or gifted to be anything in any of the sports I played.

But wouldn't everyone love to blow up at a major league umpire? I mean that looks fun as all get out, and if you have a personality, whoa man, who knows what kind of wacky things you'll do.

Carlos Zambrano did something you've seen in a basic umpire slash player or manager argument. The one thing is, ...

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