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Why Was Tom Glavine Signed By the Atlanta Braves in the First Place?

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Future Hall of Famer Tom Glavine was released yesterday by the Braves in a stunning display of guts by the front office, virtually admitting its mistake in signing the injured veteran. Mega-prospect Tommy Hanson has been called up in place of Glavine.

So the inevitable question lingers: Why did the Braves bother to sign Glavine in the first place?

Well, I have a theory.

First, they needed to save face after losing John Smoltz to Boston. Smoltz is a legitimate option to produce this year, probably by the end of June.  After the team failed to properly negotiate with the lifelong Brave, he jumped ship to sign with the Red Sox.  Fans were stunned. 

The same week Smol...

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