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Xavier Nady Out For Season With Elbow Surgery

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

Courtesy Yankees 'N More

Information on Xavier Nady is leaking out, and it's not good.

While there is still no official word from the New York Yankees, Peter Abraham of the Journal News just posted a note on his blog saying the word is, Nady will need surgery to repair his elbow and will miss the remainder of the 2009 season.

Nady was pulled from the Yankees/Rays game on Tuesday evening with what manager Yankees manager Joe Girardi described as a "sharp pain" in his elbow. Now it appears that pain will require surgery that ends Nady's season.

This is just awful news for Nady, who was in the final year of his contract and looking ahead to free agency in the offseason.

Assuming thi...

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