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Yankees, and Maybe Even the MLB, in Need Of Serious Overhaul

Published by on April 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The Yankees lost a miserable game today to the Cleveland Indians in the opening series of their New Yankee Stadium by the score of 22-4, with a 14 run second-inning put up by the Indians (the most ever given up by the Yankees in a single frame).

Normally, I'm not one to put down the Yankees in April considering for the past 5 years or so they've struggled in April and soared in the second half.

However, the new stadium epitomizes in every way that the New York Yankees are a business related franchise.

I, as a Yankee fan, have stood up for them, because they've shown that they produce a formula that works by winning 26 championships. Winning doesn't just come from "believing," it comes from putting the bes...

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