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Yankees Turn the Page: The Top Five Reasons This Trip to Fenway Won’t Be Déjà Vu

Published by on June 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - MLB

The calendar reads June 9, and the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox are once again prepared to battle over a three game series. New York will certainly be looking for payback after a Fenway sweep the last time around from April 24-26, and come in playing much more consistent baseball. Terry Francona’s Sox are far from slumping, however, and should pose as challenging an opponent as is always expected of them—especially in a home ball park they seemingly never lose in. This time around, the Yankees are determined to prevent a repeat of recent history. Luckily for them, there are at least five reasons why they can begin to calm their nerves. The slideshow will run readers through a quick list of extenuating circumstances ...

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