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2008-09 Chicago Bulls: I Love Basketball Again

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

I was fortunate enough to grow up during the "Jordan Years" and to have parents that loved the Chicago Bulls. They let me watch every game with them. From the 1991 NBA Finals, where I could barely walk, to the infamous "Last Shot." They loved the Bulls and Jordan, and so did I.

As a kid I owned two Jordan jerseys, and even pretended I was MJ on my driveway court.

Things changed though. Jordan retired and my parents were so mad at Jerry Reisndorf for breaking up the dynasty that they forgot about the game they loved.

I still watched a little bit of basketball though, but by the 2002-03 season I only caught about 10 Bulls games a year. It just wasn't the same, but I still loved my hometown team.

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