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2009 NBA Champs? Take The Orlando Magic

Published by on May 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

So I am an idiot, right? I am jumping on the bandwagon after Orlando has had its best win of the year, right?

Absolutely not.

This Magic team has the ability to win a title, and if you don't believe me, let me explain why.

First off, let's look at the other remaining teams in the playoffs.

The Cavs: The definition of a one-man team. If you can't win a game with LeBron putting up 49 points and Mo Williams stepping up for one of the best finishes of his career, odds are you probably won't get to the championship, let alone win a title. The Cavaliers are a great team, and LeBron is a phenomenal athlete, but when it comes to winning titles, this team is just not ready.

The Nuggets: C...

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