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A Message To Jameer Nelson: Please Do NOT Play in the Finals

Published by on June 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Jameer Nelson, please heed this warning:

You have no business playing in the NBA Finals.

Yes, you have been cleared by doctors to practice. Last time I checked, these doctors aren't qualified to judge your ability to play in an NBA game.

Sure, you can shoot and absorb contact on your right shoulder. I can also shoot and absorb contact with my right shoulder, but I am in no way ready to play in the NBA today.

In truth, Magic fans like myself should be pleased that you are reportedly two months ahead of your rehabilitation schedule. That's great news. We can't wait for you to be back in all-star form.

The problem is, in all likelihood, you will not be in all-star form if you play in ...

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