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A Year of Silence: My First Year Without the Seattle Sonics

Published by on April 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Groggily, I was lead through the winding hills of Magnolia this morning by my dog. Spent the entire week moving into a new house and today (Sunday) was the first day that I could have slept in, but of course the dog had to wake me up just at the crack of dawn to go for a walk.

As Dawkins drug me around, the leash tight and him exploring his new neighborhood, I still hadn’t had a thought in my head outside of how I didn’t really want to scoop dog poop off the sidewalk with the sun not quite over the Cascades yet.

Then I looked to the mountains, as the sun began to peak over them, I started to think about how we were one day into the NBA playoff...

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