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All-Time Blazer Fantasy Championship

Published by on June 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

After running multiple simulations just to figure out the seeding for our fantasy championship, we finally have a winner in our all-time Blazers fantasy league. For those of you who didn't see the first post, we did a fantasy draft through WhatIfSports.com to assemble four teams made up of all the best Blazer players in the organization's history. The seeding for the tournament went as follows:

(Bowerz)Championship Menances—1 seed
Sheed's Shenanigans—2 seed
Scotty B!'s Ball Busters—3 seed
(CDub)Fightin's Kiki's—4 seed


Series 1: Menaces vs. Kiki's

The opening round of play pitting the heavily favored No. 1 seed against the no defense Kiki's went...

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