Featured, NBA NEWS

An Ode to a Rare Win for the L.A. Clippers

Published by on May 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

There are a handful of simple acts in this world that can demoralize and even scar you for life.

The king of them all is putting on a basketball jersey with the words "Los Angeles Clippers" on it.

Why even show up to the arena with that hopeless, long look?

Just by donning this disgraceful brand of red and white, you are announcing to everyone your participation in a tradition of losers and losing.

If we celebrate the San Antonio Spurs, Los Angeles Lakers and Boston Celtics for their commitment to winning with a thumbs up, we raise a different finger to honor Donald Sterling and his sideshow circus.

When no one thought another organization could challenge those Isiah Thom...

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