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An Open Letter To Danny Ainge

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Dear Danny,

Glad to hear that you are recovering nicely. Now on to the business at hand.

When you were a player I hated you immensely; you were an annoying gnat that caused me to root against the Celtics.  I was glad when they traded you, but felt for you when "Big Shot Rob" threw a towel in your face when you coached the Phoenix Suns.

When you became the GM of the Celtics you surprised me how Auerbachian you were in the knowledge of the game and its personnel. You pulled a coup with the trade that brought to Boston Garnett and Allen to form the PGA tour with Pierce.  Banner 17 was raised ( I was there that October night when the banner was raised) with that crew.


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