Featured, NBA NEWS

Are Superstars Really The Answer The NBA Is Looking For?

Published by on May 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Kobe. LeBron. D-Wade.

These names of some of the NBA superstars that fans have come to know and love or hate.

The NBA has marketed and banked off such superstars. The fans have consumed merchandise, bought tickets, and have become enamored with these athletes.

The head executives at the league offices and the television stations are salivating over the prospect of a LeBron versus Kobe match up in the NBA Finals.

But, to a fan of the game of basketball, this matchup is not what the league needs.

In a league where superstar power runs the show, there are two teams alive in their respective leagues that show that team work is the way to go.

The Orlando Magic and the...

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