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Are Washington Wizards Fans Rooting Against LeBron James?

Published by on May 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

It sure doesn’t feel DC like has turned against LeBron. Maybe casual Wiz fans are just caught up in the rapture of the playoffs, but I certainly don’t get the vibe up and down I-295 that the local faithful are pissed that LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers are still alive in these NBA playoffs.

Not that I am expecting the Diamond City section of the blogosphere to super nova into an anti-LeBron James campaign that sweeps the Internet, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a crybaby T-shirt posted here and there.

A photoshop of Gilbert in the crowd scowling at the Cavs, perhaps?

Something artistic and clever that I lack the talent to put together.

Perhaps it is because Wizards fans...

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