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As the 2009 NBA Draft Approaches, A New Twist on the One-and-Done Rule

Published by on June 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

I hate to be the one to break this, but the recent questions surrounding Derrick Rose and the Memphis basketball program, as well as O.J. Mayo and the USC program, are not an NBA problem. They are an NCAA problem.

Corruption in signing top college basketball prospects was around long before David Stern implemented an age minimum for the NBA, and if the Association were to reverse this rule, rest assured, corruption in college basketball would not come to an end.

So it's important we come from a realistic place when engaging in the debate over the so-called "One and Done" rule.

I have a theory on how to retool the NBA age regulation, put into place before the 2006 Draft. But first, I want to address how we...

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