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Atlanta Hawks Braced For Onslaught

Published by on May 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The last time Atlanta faced a dominating foe from the north like the Cleveland Cavaliers, a man named William Tecumseh Sherman, an Ohio native, was in charge and that didn't end well for the Georgia capital.

Nearly 150 years later, another Ohio native is reeking havoc and leading the opposing opposition on a march toward a quivering city.

If the first two games of the Atlanta Hawks second round playoff series with the Cleveland Cavaliers were any indication of what Saturday's Game 3 has in store, perhaps the city would prefer to put out the welcome mats for Sherman and his boys, as opposed to fellow Ohioan LeBron James and his band of merry men.

The collateral damage may be a lot more when the Cavs leave ...

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