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Baseball Steroids and Sports Officiating:The Myth of the Level Playing Field

Published by on May 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

It is time to say what should have been said a long time ago. The complaints about baseball's steroid users are ridiculous, nonsensical, and disingenuous. 

The most cited argument is that since steroids are performance-enhancing, their use intrinsically creates a playing field that is not level. Players who use them receive a distinct advantage over players who do not which destroys the integrity of the game. Fair enough. Except for one small thing; the field is already not level. The officiating makes it a very slanted field, particularly in baseball and basketball. Several years ago I was watching the Baseball Game of the Week. Greg Maddux threw a pitch a couple inches off the plate which, by the rules, is a ball. It was ...

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