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Beginning or Cementing a Legacy: Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard

Published by on June 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

As many good story lines that would have came out of a LeBron vs. Kobe finals, there is still enough star power to carry this series.  

Aside from the Magic and Lakers clearly being the two best teams in basketball, they carry along with them two of the five best players in the league.

Kobe Bryant is the don and LeBron is the apprentice, but in between, there is Dwight Howard.  

While Howard is not the complete package just yet, he has before our eyes developed into a leader this postseason, and is on the brink of becoming the next Shaq in the NBA.

Thats right, I went there: The next Shaq.

Howard has the potential to not only put up monstrous (Shaq-like numbers)...

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