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Believe It: Orlando Can Beat Cleveland

Published by on May 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

It doesn't get more bad ass than what Hedo did in game 7 against Boston. With the Celtics putting together a sorry, half-assed comeback attempt late in the game, Turkoglu hit a three to put any worries to rest.

There wouldn't be any magical late-game run this time. No, not with Turkuglu on watch.

A three-pointer in the face of the defense, rather than a universally "easy" two-pointer, was what shut the Celtics last-dash effort down for good.

But is that the icing on the cake for this playoff run, or just the beginning?

Well, considering game 7 against Boston saw Turkoglu drop over 20 points for just the second time in these playoffs, it could very well be that old cliche' we like to call, luck...

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