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Best Wedding Gift Ever

Published by on June 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

I just got back from my parents' house where they had me rooting through all the stuff in their basement.  I ran across a box of matches with two of my dearest friends names inscribed on it—as well as their wedding date.

The three of us went to a small college together.  Toward the end of our college days we had all moved into "town" and lived within a block of one another.

Every sports season, no matter what the sport, we'd get together for the game—even if we had to set the VCR.

The guy, not to my surprise, told me he was going to ask the girl to marry him.

There was never any doubt in my mind as to what I was going to get them for a wedding gift.  You see, the Was...

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