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Breaking News: Nelson has Just Checked into the Game.

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Nelson has just checked into the game at the start of the second quarter.

He was slated to not play in game one, but it seems that he will even though it could possibly be limited minutes. He was activated before game one tipped off.

Nelson was shut down about two weeks ago by general manager Otis Smith saying that he would not play in the NBA finals; "It's a long ways away," Smith said as Nelson shot around with assistant athletic trainer Keon Weise. "He just started shooting last week. He's a long ways away from playing basketball."

He also added by saying " No way in Hell", on Nelson playing. He said this week, "That was a week and a half ago," said Vander Weide when asked about Otis Smith ruling out ...

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