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Bulls Vs Celtics Game 5 Recap

Published by on April 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

I am so angry right now that I am shaking. I'm close to writing all sorts of expletives right now in this post, because that loss was such BS.

It has me fuming. Yes the Bulls did pull a choke job, but did you all just expect the defending Champs to just lay down at home?

Of course they had a run left in them at the end of the game. The Celts played great down the stretch and in OT, and their experience showed.

PP hit some awesome shots, so you have to give him props too. There is not much more to it on that front.

Overall tonight, there is one person to blame that sticks out to me more than any other, and that is VDN. VDN pisses me off so much.

Forget the fact that he has struggled...

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