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Carvelli’s Corner: The Kobe vs. LeBron Debate

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Do you see the look in Kobe Bryant's eyes?

If you watched Game One of the Finals on Thursday, you had to have seen this look because of the announcer's constant references to "how much he wants this championship."

While I was watching the game with a few friends, this sparked up the newest great debate between almost all NBA fans.  "Who's better, LeBron or Kobe?"

Now, of course as a LIFE-LONG Cleveland fan—not one of those Cavs fans since 2003 that you see everywhere for some reason—I am going to side with LeBron on this one.  This of course got me riddled with question after question from my friends, almost all of whom were on the Kobe side.

I will say that right no...

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