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Charlotte Bobcats: Try a Little PB&O and Let Felton Go

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Okay, it's draft time. Time to make moves, re-evaluate your players and try to build a winner.

This is one of the most exciting moments in the NBA season as the changes made during this time, could put a team over the top. Or, it could hurt them for years down the road.


Where the Charlotte Bobcats are

Let's start with the big men at Center:

DeSagana Diop (Keeper): Loads of potential if Larry B. can teach him some big guy moves; he could be a solid contributor. If nothing else, become a defensive force in the paint.

Alexis Ajinca (Trade): I don't see the logic in that draft pick. I hope this isn't MJ's "Kwame Brown" pick.

Nazr Mohammed (Trade...

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