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Chauncey Billups: From Journeyman To Champion.

Published by on June 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

In the 2003-2004 NBA Finals a star was born on a team that nobody even expected to win other than their own faithful fans who then even had their personal doubts. 

A Detroit Pistons team led by a point guard who was well traveled throughout the NBA and had finally found a home in Detroit. 

Chauncey Billups, was the third pick in the draft by the Boston Celtics in 1997. From there on, Billups seemed to be expendable. Boston soon traded him to Toronto, who traded him to Denver the following offseason. 

He remained in Denver one season (1998-1999) until they traded him to Orlando after only 13 games (1999-2000). Though he underwent season ending surgery after suffering a should...

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