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Chris Paul: Where Have You Gone?

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Entering the first round of the playoffs, my faith in Chris Paul and the Hornets was as steadfast as anyone’s outside the greater New Orleans area. His game, at least to my eye, had no glaring weakness.  If I were to nitpick, I’d point out that he sometimes unsuccessfully gambles on steals, and he’s far from being a lock down defender or dead eye shooter, but he’s respectable in both categories.  Then there was his will to win and his sense of the moment—knowing when and how to squeeze the remaining life out of an opponent—which were on par with the Kobe Bryant’s and Dwyane Wade’s of the world. From this, I predicted the Hornets would not only beat the Nuggets, who I believed to be ...

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