Featured, NBA NEWS

Courtney Lee Ready To Provide Some Finals Magic

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Tonight is Game One of the NBA Finals.

We all have heard the headlines. League MVP Kobe Bryant is leading his Lakers against Superman Dwight Howard's Magic.

We all know the names of those players who will be key to their respective team's success. Kobe. Dwight. Pau. Rashard. Courtney.

Wait a minute, Courtney?

That's right, Bleacher Creatures, you heard it here first: Magic rookie guard Courtney Lee is Orlando's wild card to winning the finals.

Lee, along with Mikael Pietrus, will be given the daunting task of guarding Kobe Bryant.

Although he was the team's sixth man during the regular season, Lee has emerged as the starting shooting guard during the playoffs, and wi...

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