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David Stern Has to Suspend Dwight Howard, Right?

Published by on April 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Our situation occurs about three minutes into Game Five, when Dwight Howard delivered a clearly deliberate and pretty nasty (not like Shaq's attempt to clock Brad Miller back in the day, but nasty in its own right) elbow that hit its target—Samuel Dalembert's dome. 

Henry Abbot at TrueHoop outlines the in-game ruling that should have been according to the Almighty Rule Book—immediate ejection.  But the referees decided not to enforce the rule for some reason, which brings us to my question: Is David Stern obligated to suspend Dwight Howard?

The Ruling:

Before I delve into the outrage of the matter—the answer is an unequivocal No.  David Stern is not bound by the Almighty R...

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