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Denver Nuggets Move to the Semifinals: Thoughts After Historic Round One

Published by on May 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

It has been what seems to be an eternity since the Denver Nuggets won a playoff series—15 years to be exact—until they finally acheived the feat Wednesday night against an inferior New Orleans team.

A decade and a half is a long time to go without a winning basketball team. During that span, Denverites saw a doubling of gas prices, the dramatic rise and fall of the stock market, and three different Presidents, including Barack Obama's Demohcratic Natonial Convention held in their Nuggets' masterpiece of architecture, the Pepsi Center.

However, two things stayed constant in Denver through the '90s and into most of the 2000s—the winter would bring snow and the Nuggets' feeble attempts to play basketb...

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