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Five Potential Wizards First Round Draft Picks

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The Washington Wizards, contrary to the overwhelming history of Washington-area sports karma, have secured a spot in the top three picks of the 2009 NBA Draft Lottery. Number one obviously will reveal itself to be Blake Griffin, but the Wizards need to concern themselves with at least four other guys that can draw enough attention to sell tickets, and play well enough for opponents to respect Ernie Grunfeld’s hustle.

The good news is that, outside of Blake Griffin, the Wizards will not be drafting a starter. This means that, to Ernie Grunfeld’s credit, the Wizards don’t have many gaping holes in the roster. Let’s take a look at five guys that can fit the mold for a Wizards team looking to be the 09-10 ver...

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