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Glen Davis Is Outgrowing His Baby Shoes

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

You'd think it would be a little harder to lose track of Glen Davis.

At 6'9" and a rather conservative 289 pounds, Boston's second-year power forward is the biggest mountain east of the Appalachians. He eyes Ben Gordon as if the diminuitive Chicago sharpshooter were a snack waiting to happen. He's practically visible from space.

Read up on the Bulls-Celtics series, though, and Davis seems to vanish into thin air. He slinks out of sight behind the glowing accounts of Rajon Rondo's coming-out party. He disappears from the conversation amid praise for Paul Pierce's gamesmanship. He goes from the Incredible Hulk to the Invisible Man.

Ian Thomsen of SI.com mentioned Davis in his Game Five analysis only as a m...

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