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Golden State Warriors Final Take: Says Mr. Rowell, “Let Them Eat Cake!”

Published by on April 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Some would tell you that the season for the Golden State Warriors was over before it ever began.  The hopes and dreams of a metropolis left smoldering in a twisted pile of moped. 

Why should fans believe that the season was over, besides the fact that the head coach said so?  Fans don't even have reason to believe that Monta Ellis crashed a moped. 

Though Ellis undoubtedly set the tone for a season that was shrouded in doubt and mystery, it would be unfair to lay the blame solely on a single player.  Besides that, it is near impossible to play the "responsibility game" in a media vacuum oblique as Golden State's PR department.

Unfortunately for the fans, Chris Cohan, Robert Rowell...

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