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How a Healthy Spurs and Celtics Would Have Changed the ’09 Playoffs

Published by on June 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Growing up, it was bad manners to raise "what if" questions in my folks' house; either that, or my parents just got annoyed because I was the kind of kid who could string queries like that together endlessly.

Despite my training to refrain, I can't resist raising one right now, in the middle of a lackluster NBA Finals series, what if San Antonio and Boston had been healthy going into the 2009 playoffs?

Manu Ginobili and Kevin Garnett all went down before the playoffs. All right around the same time, too. It was obvious that their teams were never the same because of their injuries.

I took a look at the numbers just for the sake of having more concrete frame of reference.

Manu started the year ...

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