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How To Build an NBA Championship Team

Published by on June 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

In the midst of the NBA Finals and with the draft coming up, it is useful for all of those drafting high to learn what is necessary to build a championship caliber team.  he basics can be determined from looking back at recent champions to see what they have in common.

Looking back at the champions since Jordan retired, there are some strong commonalities among the champions. The teams that have won are the Spurs (4x), Lakers (3x), Pistons, Heat and Celtics. 

With the exception of the Pistons, each of these teams had at least one surefire Hall of Fame player on the roster in the post. The Pistons had the Defensive Player of the Year in Ben Wallace to make up for the lack of a Hall of Fame player. 

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