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If I Was a Denver Nuggets Fan, I’d Be Pissed: How Expansion Ruined the NBA

Published by on May 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

There has been much discussion lately regarding where Kobe and LeBron rank among the greats in the history of the NBA. As a professional analyst dealing with numbers frequently, I attempted to come up with a formula that could logically conclude who has been the best player in the NBA covering the last 30 years. I found that it was impossible. The expansion of 7 more teams in the NBA in the past 20 years has ruined the quality of play in the NBA. I completely realize that much of what I'm about to put forward will not sit well with many people, such as the fact that the Knicks would have won at least two titles within the past 20 years and the Sonics probably would have acquired at least one. So let us go through a few of those draft...

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