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If the Lakers Win the Title, What Does It Say About Kobe Bryant?

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Ever since Shaquille O'Neal departed from his beloved Los Angeles Lakers, all the talk has been about if Kobe Bryant is capable of winning a championship...on his own.

It has now been five seasons since O'Neal left Bryant behind and the Black Mamba has still not be able to grab his first title, Shaq-less.

In an interview when asked about if he believes he can win a NBA Finals without Shaq, Bryant stated that it was not all Shaq that helped him in winning those three rings, it was about the team. Derek Fisher, Robert Horry, all those guys helped us in capturing the victories, not just O'Neal.

So if Los Angeles Lakers do indeed win the championship this season, what does that say about the immortal Kobe Bry...

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