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Jerry West: “LeBron Has Surpassed Kobe As a Player.”

Published by on May 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Whoa Mr. West! What's that you say?

Over at the Washington Post, Hall of Famer and architect of great Lakers teams, Mr. NBA himself, was quoted as saying LeBron James has "surpassed Kobe as a player."

Really? LeBron hasn't even won a championship yet and he has already surpassed Kobe as a player? LeBron hasn't dealt with major injuries, major team player losses, major team meltdowns, and he has surpassed Kobe Bryant as a player?

I have much respect for Jerry West, but at 70 maybe his mind isn't as sharp as it once was.

I admire LeBron and do agree that he has the ability to become the best player ever in the NBA.

But surpassing Kobe without a ring?

"If I had to have somebody...

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