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Kevin Garnett Proves He’s Not Just “The Big Ticket,” He’s a Big Jerk

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

When you hear the name Kevin Garnett, what comes to mind?

You're probably thinking of a great NBA center, an amazing defensive player, and a leader who elevated the Boston Celtics to a Championship last year.  You probably even felt happy for him last year when he beat the Lakers in the Finals, because if anyone deserved a title, it was him.

However, if you've been watching the Celtics and Bulls first-round matchup, you've probably formed a new opinion of the Big Ticket. Words like jerk, dim-witted, and moron come to mind.

Anyone who has watched this series has seen an injured, well-dressed Garnett doing one of two things:  1) Screaming obscenities, usually at Bull...

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