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Kobe and LeBron: The Mamba and The King!

Published by on May 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

One has a resume that includes three NBA championship rings and one Olympic Gold Medal; the other has several high school championships, and an Olympic Gold Medal. 

Both, according to the national media, will meet in the ultimate battle of wills; role-players be damned they are all that matter.

If they arrive at their pre-ordained destination, the TV ratings will go through the roof; possibly a greater rating then the Laker-Celtic match-up of the 2008 finals.

Kobe is being Kobe, carrying his team and letting them know in no uncertain terms that he wants to win and they need to get with the program.  Bron Bron provides a nurturing atmosphere for his team making them feel like they are a ...

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