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Kobe Bryant Is Not Michael Jordan; But Neither Is He Allen Iverson

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Why do grown men and women stop themselves from fully appreciating a quality athlete by being childish, immature, and dishonest about how that athlete compares with other stars in the game? And I am looking at both extremes here.

First, at some ridiculous Kobe fans who clearly have only recently started watching the game and think Kobe Bryant is already better than Michael Jordan. There is nothing they can tell you to prove this, but they simply believe it.

Just because MJ never scored 81 tells me nothing. Kobe Bryant is not already better than Michael Jordan, and any mature, honest observer of the game will tell you that.

Second, we have the equally ridiculous Kobe haters, who would have you believe that...

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