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Kobe Can’t Win Without ____; The Next Knock On Kobe Bryant

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Prestigious universities such as Princeton and Yale are now offering free Ph.D.’s to all the individuals who have either privately or publicly claimed that Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers could not win a title without Shaq. With Kobe unable to lead his team to a Championship yet again the Lakers have…..oh wait…. the Lakers won? Oh. Well, that changes things doesn’t it? You’ll have to pardon the sarcasm. I’ve never had any respect for the idiots who believed that Kobe was overrated or that he would never win a title without Shaq. Despite Kobe’s numerous achievements after Shaq’s departure, far too many people held on to the incredibly stupid belief that Kobe was incapable o...

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