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Letter to Mark Cuban: You Voted No—We Would Welcome the Mavs to Seattle

Published by on June 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Dear Mark Cuban:

When all of the NBA owners voted to decide whether to approve of the Sonics move to OKC Mark Cuban completely apposed the move and said the NBA needs to be in Seattle and that Seattle is a better market than OKC. Well that is completely true, why not invest in your own words and move the Dallas Mavericks to Seattle.

Mark Cuban was unsuccessful in buying the Chicago Cubs. Now there are many reasons why Cuban moving the Mavs to Seattle would make sense and also work for a new arena.

1) The Fans in Seattle are passionate about all of their sports (Mariners,Seahawks and Sounders FC).

The new MLS expansion team, the Seattle Sounders FC have sold out every single home game to date a...

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