Featured, NBA NEWS

Mike Brown: Far From Coach of the Year

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

If you haven't noticed, I'm on a blistering pace with my writings this week. There is just so much going on. After I finish one article, something crazy will happen the next night and then I'm forced to come on here and grace you all with my literary wizardry.

If anyone has payed as much attention as I have to this series (you probably haven't, it's OK), then you might have noticed the horrendous coaching job done by Mike Brown in this series. I can not believe that the league elected him as coach of the year when he is getting out-coached by a man who has been deemed a, "Master of Panic."

This of course would be Mr. Stan Van Gundy. I'm actually getting aggravated of hearing people say how bad of a coach SVG is becau...

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