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NBA 2009 Playoffs: Who Will Step It Up In the Playoffs This Year?

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

With Kevin Garnett out of the playoffs, look for the Celts to seek elsewhere for players to step up.

Sure you've got your usual suspects Paul Pierce and Ray Allen who will play their regular role and contribute well. They always step up when needed.

However, even though the team has played almost a full year together, last year they were pushed to six or seven games nearly every round. It'll be very hard for them this year without the leadership of Garnett on the floor.

Rajon Rondo has stepped up big time this year. He has matured a lot, his strength and endurance have grown; however in my mind, this is the most important player that needs to step up, when Allen or Pierce or both are on the bench.
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