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NBA Beat Writers: Keys for the Celtics Heading into Game Three

Published by on April 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Thanks to the late-game heroics of one Ray Allen, the Boston Celtics managed to steal a game away from the Bulls in their second home game of the 2009 NBA Playoffs.

And all it took for the Celts to win was a triple-double from Rajon Rondo, 26 points and 9 rebounds from Glen Davis, and two insanely-difficult three-point shots made to look routine by Ray Allen. After all that, Chicago still had a chance to win on their final possession.

That said, both teams were victors in the first two games of the series; heavily swayed, in fact, by the absence of Kevin Garnett on the floor for the C's.

As the series heads back to Chicago, here are the keys for the Celtics in Game Three:



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