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NBA Finals: Why Is There a Two-Home, Three-Away, Two-Home Game System?

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The other day I made the mistake of predicting the Orlando Magic winning their series against the Lakers in six games.

My reasoning? Well, I thought the Magic would beat the Lakers, but thought the Magic could not beat the Lakers in Game Seven in Los Angeles.

"So why could they win Game Six in L.A.?" my friends quickly asked me.


After watching several playoff series go to seven games, I had gotten accustomed to the system of two-home, two-away, one-home, one-away, one-home the NBA uses before the Finals.

So that got me wondering. Why does the NBA change the format for the Finals?

The first thing I found out was that the NBA made the switch to the current format fo...

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